Hey Everyone! I started another new blog just for my Punchneedle business! So if you are interested in keeping up with my latest punchneedle patterns & supplies be sure to click on the link under MY FAVORITES!! Click on Garden Gate Punchneedle Patterns! Be sure to bookmark it and become a follower so that you can see the latest patterns as they become available!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
More Punchneedle Patterns & Supplies!
The Garden Gate
Punchneedle patterns & designs!
Here are more punchneedle supplies!
Remember retail & wholesale orders are welcome!
Just email me for more info!
My absolute favorite punchneedle! Comes with
three needles: small, medium & large
the small needle for $15.00
My favorite punchneedle hoop! $33.00
(project not included!)
The kids are loving it! They were outside sledding as soon as the animals were
fed and watered! I must admit that I love snow days just as much as them!
As soon as they came in this morning, we all had cups of hot cocoa
with Reddi Whip!
As I am looking outside, there are big soft fluffy snowflakes gently falling from
the sky! What a gorgeous site! Pictures do not do it justice! I love listening to
the crackling fire and watching the snow fall!
There is nothing better than a snowfall like there is today!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Punchneedle patterns now available!!
The Garden Gate
Punchneedle Patterns & Supplies
I have designed some punchneedle patterns
that I think everyone will enjoy!
All my patterns did not fit on 1 post so be
sure to check out the next post for more!
Punchneedle is a very relaxing craft!
I sell the punchneedles, hoops & patterns!
I also have "Distress It" to give your finished
items that really awesome primitive look!
My patterns include detailed instructions,
pre-printed pattern on weaver's cloth and
color chart needed to complete the project.
You supply the floss!
Retail & Wholesale available!
If you are interested in placing an order,
just email me!
"Whoa" $12.00
"Gary Gobbler" $12.00

"Snow Sampler" $12.00
"Peek-a-Boo" $12.00

"Farmstead" $12.00

"Snow Sampler" $12.00
"Peek-a-Boo" $12.00
"Farmstead" $12.00
Memories of my Aunt Jo
My Aunt Jo passed away on December 17, 2008. She was very special to me. For those of you who have kept up on my blog, you might remember me telling you how she inspired me to decorate my home at Christmas! She was a wonderful woman and I wish all of you could have known her! The angel at the top of my blog is in memory of her! It is a very special angel from her collection.
When I was little, I remember going to visit her and her family at their home in Richmond Hts. and then I remember when she moved to Chesterland. When I was in college, sometimes I would stay at her home. My Uncle Bob would make me study, study, study! He was also a great inspiration to me, but this is about Aunt Jo! I most remember Christmas time with Aunt Jo!! We would all gather at my Grandma Cusano's home on Christmas Eve morning. I remember my dad and Uncle Bob in the kitchen cooking squid, eel and fish! Family would start filtering in. Uncle Mick and his family would come, then Aunt Lou and her family. Sometimes Aunt Marge and her family would be there. Grandma would be in her glory! I remember Grandma's last Christmas...all her kids were there that Christmas Eve morning! Anyway, I remember Grandma would make Aila Oila and Macaroni with sauce, all kinds of Italian traditions! She would tell us "Mangia Mangia!!" My cousins would be there! I was always excited to see everyone. Then after eating an awesome lunch, we would all head to Conneaut to my Aunt Lou's home. We would all eat tons of food there too! Then Christmas morning, most of us would head to Aunt Jo & Uncle Bob's home! We would be there all day! She was the best baker, cooker...you name it! I loved her Venetian cookies! They were to die for! She passed the recipe onto me and I think I ended up making them twice this holiday season! I always raided her cookie trays for those venetians! And she made the BEST BEST BEST homemade eggnog you have ever tasted! She passed that recipe onto me too! And I think I made it at least 4 times this season! Aunt Jo always had the most gorgeous live Christmas tree you have ever seen! It had chocolate ornaments on it. Everytime I would go and look at that tree, I would eat an ornament! I did find the ornaments last year at World Market. I did buy them and put them on my tree for the memory!
Aunt Jo was wonderful. She always sent me the most beautiful inspiring emails! And she always seemed to know when to send them! I think that is what I miss most right now! I just can not bring myself to delete her email from my list of contacts. I probably never will! I was able to spend time with her daughters the day before she passed away. We stood over her, holding her hand, telling her what a wonderful woman she was. I miss her terribly but I know that she is watching over me. She lets me know. This kiss is for you, AuntJo....XXOOXX! I miss you!
When I was little, I remember going to visit her and her family at their home in Richmond Hts. and then I remember when she moved to Chesterland. When I was in college, sometimes I would stay at her home. My Uncle Bob would make me study, study, study! He was also a great inspiration to me, but this is about Aunt Jo! I most remember Christmas time with Aunt Jo!! We would all gather at my Grandma Cusano's home on Christmas Eve morning. I remember my dad and Uncle Bob in the kitchen cooking squid, eel and fish! Family would start filtering in. Uncle Mick and his family would come, then Aunt Lou and her family. Sometimes Aunt Marge and her family would be there. Grandma would be in her glory! I remember Grandma's last Christmas...all her kids were there that Christmas Eve morning! Anyway, I remember Grandma would make Aila Oila and Macaroni with sauce, all kinds of Italian traditions! She would tell us "Mangia Mangia!!" My cousins would be there! I was always excited to see everyone. Then after eating an awesome lunch, we would all head to Conneaut to my Aunt Lou's home. We would all eat tons of food there too! Then Christmas morning, most of us would head to Aunt Jo & Uncle Bob's home! We would be there all day! She was the best baker, cooker...you name it! I loved her Venetian cookies! They were to die for! She passed the recipe onto me and I think I ended up making them twice this holiday season! I always raided her cookie trays for those venetians! And she made the BEST BEST BEST homemade eggnog you have ever tasted! She passed that recipe onto me too! And I think I made it at least 4 times this season! Aunt Jo always had the most gorgeous live Christmas tree you have ever seen! It had chocolate ornaments on it. Everytime I would go and look at that tree, I would eat an ornament! I did find the ornaments last year at World Market. I did buy them and put them on my tree for the memory!
Aunt Jo was wonderful. She always sent me the most beautiful inspiring emails! And she always seemed to know when to send them! I think that is what I miss most right now! I just can not bring myself to delete her email from my list of contacts. I probably never will! I was able to spend time with her daughters the day before she passed away. We stood over her, holding her hand, telling her what a wonderful woman she was. I miss her terribly but I know that she is watching over me. She lets me know. This kiss is for you, AuntJo....XXOOXX! I miss you!
Well, I must say that it has been awhile! And I must apologize! My computer has been down! Had to have a new hard drive put in! SO I am finally starting to get back into the swing of things and wanted to catch everyone up on what's been going on around here! There is soooo much that has happened! Today I'll tell ya all about our new baby calves! What sweeties! I just love having baby calves around! Bottle feeding them is so much fun!
First, here is Inferno! In this photo, my daughter is bottle feeding him. We got him on January 19. He had gotten really sick after a couple of days. He wouldn't stand up, he wouldn't eat...so we had to have Patty come over and tube him for us. We has a meeting to attend that evening about closing our elementary school, but she said they would come over again after and tube him again. Bart really didn't think he'd be alive when we got back, but when we went out and looked in his calf hutch, he was still alive! So he got tubed again. If he was still alive in the morning, they would be back to tube him a 3rd time. Oh...I could not sleep at all!! I kept thinking of that calf! He was such a little doll! I think he was the tiniest calf we have ever had! That morning when I woke up, I put on all my winter clothes....it was in the single digits! Northeast Ohio weather! That walk out to the hutch seemed to take FOREVER! I was afraid to look in for fear of seeing a dead calf. I opened the blanket that I had put over the door and Oh My Gosh...he was trying to stand! I got him up on his feet and he stood there!!! I was so happy I started to cry! I called my husband crying....my first words were, "GREAT NEWS!" because I knew as soon as he heard me crying he would assume the worst! "He's alive!!!," I cried!! I had never been so happy!! And now he is a little pistol! Wants constant attention! And you should hear him Moo!! And he knows he has me everytime he moos! When I start to walk away, he'll moo...of course I have to go back and give him more attention! This goes on 3 or 4 times before I just have to say, "I HAVE TO INSIDE!!"
This is Chowder. We got him on Saturday. He is a little more timid than Inferno. And as of today, he has scours and will not eat. But he is going to get tubed here in about an hour! With this cold temp, he has to eat or he will dehydrate! I'll keep ya posted on him. But for now here is a photo of him!!
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