Well, I do not think everyone out there in blogland knows, but both of the calves in an earlier post had died. However, this Sunday we went and got another one! He is 6 weeks old and seems very healthy! Cody named him Speck because he has a black speck on his nose! He is adorable. He will be Cody's dairy beef feeder 4-H project!

Tori is busy working with her market steer. Brutus is getting big! You may remember pictures of him in one of my first posts! Check them out and then you can compare how much he has grown! We were going to tape him to see how much he weighed this weekend but time got away from us and we needed to go pick up Speck! We'll tape him this weekend and I'll let you know what he weighs! Any guesses??? Leave them in the comments! We'll see who gets closest!! Let's make it a contest and I'll send out a little something to the winner!! I do not even know the answer to that one yet! (But I am not allowed to play!)
Well, it's a cold brisk morning and I must get outside to feed these guys! Brrrr! It is supposed to be in the 40's today, but then it is dropping and we will be getting more snow! (Hurry spring!)
Get outside and enjoy the weather before it drops again! Have a great day!!
Speck is so cute and I pray he stays healthy. I have no cow sense, but I guess he weighs at least 800 #'s
OMG, just too cute, I want one....right in the backyard will work fine. I just posted some cow pictures I took back in the fall tonight and was going to email you to check them out, so hop on over!!
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