First of all, WOW! It has been forever since I updated my blog! I must apologize! The holidays were wonderful but crazy! And also, I must admit, I spend more time on facebook anymore than I do on my blog!
So when is this winter weather going to end? I know, I is only mid-February! It seems like it has been winter forever! Well here in Northeastern Ohio we get to deal with that wonderful thing called LAKE EFFECT SNOW! The first weekend in January we were blessed with 40" of LAKE EFFECT SNOW! As a matter of fact, the kids lucked out and got an extra day of Christmas vacation because of the fluffy white stuff! I must say that during that snow storm I was LOVIN' IT! I kept saying, "MORE SNOW MORE SNOW!" Funny how by mid- February that all changes! Now I am hopin' for daffodil weather! Anyway, I will try to be better about updating you all on my life!
First~ a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman! If you haven't heard of her, ya gotta check out her blog! She is awesome! She has published a cookbook that is to die for! I must say a HUGE thank you to Beth over at Olde Tyme Marketplace for getting my her cookbook for Christmas! I have made so many things in it! Ya gotta try her meatloaf! It has become a weekly staple at our house! And her pot roast...YUM! Ya just gotta get her cookbook. Not only does it have great recipes and awesome pics but it has great stories too!
Well, here are some pics of our winter weather here in Northeastern Ohio for you to enjoy!
Here is bald eagle we saw out in our field on New Year's Mornin'!! It was soooo cool! That was the best pic I could get because that was the start of our snow storm! Big fluffy flakes were falling! Anyway, he was gorgeous! He must have stood waist high!

So glad we do not have calves this year! Both kids are taking steers for 4-H. So we have 3 steers out in the barn! I love calves, but trudging out in the snow to bottle feed the newborns...ughh!

Our back patio full of snow! Anyone care to come over and have a cold one? LOL!

We were happy to see the sun!

Snowin' & Blowin'