This is Kumar. He is our dairy steer. My son raised 2 dairy beef feeders for 4-H this year and could only take 1 to the fair. So now we have this one to finish raising. Can you guess what Cody named his other dairy beef feeder?? Harold. As in 'Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.' Well, I guess eventually they could go least he has a sense of humor about it! He gave them their names thanks to our ag agent who always called the two from the previous year, Ham and Burger. So then Cody thought Hamburger... White Castle....Harold and Kumar!!! The down side to that....when we went to Florida last spring, we passed a White Castle. Of course my hubby & kids were JUST tickled....I was ready to barf! And so we HAD to stop. I'm sorry for those of you that like WC, but I think the burgers are like little pieces of bland cardboard stuck in a mushy bun! PUKE PUKE!
So anyway, we have Kumar. He LOVES to eat the tails off my mother-in-law's horses! Poor horses! Well actually they love it!! She had chicken fence installed around the pen so he could not get to their they back up to the gate-- ON PURPOSE!! They love it! I feel terrible, they have stubby, scrappy looking things hanging behind them! Hopefully one day soon our own barn will be done and he can come next door to our house!