This is our Blue Heeler named..what else....Blue!! She is about 4 years old and sleeps with her tire! And yes---she sleeps with it in her mouth! She is goofy! We got her through a local benefit auction. She was so ugly that she was cute! I fell in love with her instantly!

Blue also has a "suckle binky"! She carries this blanket around like Linus! She doesn't chew it, but she will suckle it. She will not go to bed unless she has suckle binky! If we go up to bed, we have to open the bedroom door and tell her to go get suckle binky or she will whine all night! Blue is my shadow! I can not do ANYTHING without her! They say that blue heelers develop a strong bond with 1 person in the family...I am that 1 person! She is great with all of us, but she has to be touching me at all times. If I sit on the couch, she has to lay on my feet...as I am typing this blog, she is under the table on my feet. When I sleep at night, she curls up against me and if I move...she moves with me!

This is Zoe! She is our 11 year old black lab. What a sweetheart she is! My husband was working second shift when we first moved out into the country. At the time we had a dalmation named Siren. Well, I'm driving down the road and just a couple of miles from our house there is a sign..."Black Lab Puppies for Sale!" Oh---I just had to stop...and you know once you see a puppy there is NO TURNING BACK! The kids were in love with her too! They were 3 and 1 at the time. Zoe just caught our eye out of the whole litter! Well, you know what happened next! We bought her! Tori held her in her lap...oh the look on her face on the short ride home! Siren was not too happy with us...but they became great friends! At about midnight, Bart comes home from work...as he walked in the door, this little pudgy black ball of fur runs to greet him and attack his feet! "What is this??!!" he exclaimed....I said, "Duhhhhh, it's a puppy!" He named her Zoe. She still gets all excited when she hears his truck pull in after work!
Country life sounds fun, the city's packed and boring! I love animals as well!
LOVE THOSE PICS!!! That dog gone tire and blankie! Cracks me up.
Give them kisses for me,
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