Friday, September 10, 2010
The Ashtabula Heart Walk!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Harbor High School Class of 1985!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
For this I am grateful...
- two beautiful children
- a wonderful husband that puts his family first
- Grandma Cusano - she taught me so many things as I was growing up
- living in the country away from all the material things
- wonderful friends that share the same values
- the sound of spring peepers
- a fireplace to light on a cold, blustery winter day
- a yard filled with daffodils in the spring
- a family that loves to camp and enjoy nature
- being able to give my time to help others
- 4-H
- being able to be myself around my friends and they still love me
- 4 seasons: spring, summer, fall & winter
Monday, April 12, 2010
Jackpot Steer Show!
We make it a family project! Bart is helping groom the steers.
Here I am blowing the barn dust off Jack before he has to go back into the show ring!
Bart & Cody stand with Jack! This is just before ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! Keep reading!
Friday, February 26, 2010
In the meantime, I have been busy working on some new punchneedle patterns that I hope to have available soon! I started using Valdani threads and I just love them! Check out my punchneedle blog (link to the left) next week. I hope to have a few of my new patterns posted!
The kids have been busy getting ready for the Ohio Beef Expo in March. They have been grooming their steers and walking them to get them ready. According to the Farmers Alamanac, the weather is supposed to be yuk! We'll see!
Not much else is new around here. 4-H is getting into full swing. Ashtabula County 4-H week is coming up the beginning of March. We have lots planned! We will be hosting a locker decorating contest at our elementary school. We will also have a 4-H assembly. Our county 4-H committee is hosting an ice cream social for the public to attend and learn more about 4-H & Extension! It will be a week of green!
Well-hope everyone stays safe out there! Keep warm! Until next time...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Is winter over yet?
So when is this winter weather going to end? I know, I is only mid-February! It seems like it has been winter forever! Well here in Northeastern Ohio we get to deal with that wonderful thing called LAKE EFFECT SNOW! The first weekend in January we were blessed with 40" of LAKE EFFECT SNOW! As a matter of fact, the kids lucked out and got an extra day of Christmas vacation because of the fluffy white stuff! I must say that during that snow storm I was LOVIN' IT! I kept saying, "MORE SNOW MORE SNOW!" Funny how by mid- February that all changes! Now I am hopin' for daffodil weather! Anyway, I will try to be better about updating you all on my life!
First~ a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman! If you haven't heard of her, ya gotta check out her blog! She is awesome! She has published a cookbook that is to die for! I must say a HUGE thank you to Beth over at Olde Tyme Marketplace for getting my her cookbook for Christmas! I have made so many things in it! Ya gotta try her meatloaf! It has become a weekly staple at our house! And her pot roast...YUM! Ya just gotta get her cookbook. Not only does it have great recipes and awesome pics but it has great stories too!
Well, here are some pics of our winter weather here in Northeastern Ohio for you to enjoy!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Christmas Carols
That only means one thing to me! I can start thinking about decorating for the Holidays! I hope you enjoy the selection of Christmas carols that I chose for you to listen to while browsing my blog! Be sure to open another window to browse around the web so that you can continue to listen to my Christmas songs in the background! I love the old classics! You know; Bing, Perry Como, Burl Ives, Johnny Mathis, Robert Goulet, Mitch Miller, Dean Martin, and my all time favorite The Carpenters! The new songs are good, but nothing reminds me more of Christmas that the ones from the 60's & 70's! I guess it is because I grew up listening to the Good Year Christmas Albums!! Remember those? We always got them at the Good Year Tire Store every year! I think one of the last ones to come out, my parents for me for doing good on my report card! I can still see the cover now! It was white and Burl Ives sang on it! I remember getting out all the albums my parents had and putting the record player under or near the live Christmas tree! I could not wait to get the Christmas Albums out! I can remember the albums had pictures of all the singers on the back covers! I loved the version of Sleigh Ride by Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme! I would lay near the Christmas tree looking up into all those beautiful lights, smelling the pine and imagining that I was on that sleigh ride with them! And what would Christmas be without The Carpenters singing in the background? There are so many voices that I associate with Christmas music!
So, please, enjoy the sounds of Christmas!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Two new steers have arrived!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fall in Northeast Ohio
- The green leaves are turning beautiful shades of reds, oranges and yellows!
- Woolly bears are starting to appear everywhere!
- The soy bean fields are turning a gorgeous golden yellow!
- Pumpkins are everywhere!
- Cornstalks are turning brown!
- The sky had those infamous fall clouds!
- A fire is going in the fireplace!
- Gloves need to be worn at the high school football games!
- The days are getting shorter!
- There's a chill in the air!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Ashtabula County Fair!
As far as my children go, Tori got 2nd place in her weight class for market steers and Cody got 2nd place in his weight class for dairy beef feeders! We were very happy with their results!
Tori and Brutus leaving the show ring
Fair week was exhausting to say the least! But it is well worth the exhaustion to see all the kids enjoying themselves and having a great time! We are already looking forward to next year's fair! The kids are getting ready to look for market steers for next year! Tori & Cody both plan to take a market steer next year!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Getting Ready for Fair!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Milking Parlor
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Spillway in Linesville PA!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Farewell to Pierpont Elementary School
Here the buses are lined up for the last time to pick up students at Pierpont. Next year, our students will be bussed up to Kingsville. Some students will also open enroll in surrounding school districts.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Gettin' ready for the end of school!
Anyway, on a HAPPY NOTE, we have some awesome things planned for the last day! We usually do a field day with all kinds of sporting events. But this year, one of our totally awesome moms (Jessi) came up with the idea of a science theme! We have 12 stations to choose from and each student will attend 6 stations! Here are the stations:
- Bubbles
- CSI Pierpont - the students have to figure out who stole the cookie from the lunch lady's cookie jar!
- Paleontologist - they will sift through sand to find "dinasour" bones
- Volcanos
- Electricity
- Mad Scientist (Chemistry)
- Magnets
- Earth Science - this is my station!! I have so much planned! I will tell ya all about it later!
- Biology - they will learn all about frogs & tadpoles!
- Medical - they will learn about healthy eating, make fruit kabobs and check their pulse
- Moon walk
- Blast Off--Rockets!
Jessi did an awesome job coming up with such great ideas! We have all been so busy preparing our stations and lining up help! And of course there is always food involved, so we will be putting together a big picnic lunch for all the kids, faculty and volunteers!
My station, Earth Science, is going to be so much fun! I have 1/2 hour with each group. I love insects and as a Master Gardener, I give alot of insect talks to kids! So I am using part of my insect program with them! For 10 minutes I am going to give them some really cool facts about bugs! Then we are making bug suckers (Don't ask, I'll post a photo tomorrow!) The kids will then look for any living things in the roped off area! I am so excited! I am bringing my bug collection to share, along with all my other cool insect related items! I think it will be really fun! I hope the kids enjoy it! I'll post more about tomorrow sometime this weekend!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Relaxin' & Campin'
This is an inside pic of our new camper! Check out all the space! You would not believe how many empty cupboards I now have! Bart says that they won't be empty for long!
This was the inside of our old camper! See the difference?? We won't know how to act on a rainy day! We left a basket with wine, chips & salsa, pasta & sauce and stuff for gourmet s'mores in it for Karen & Dave to enjoy! We wish them many happy campfires!